Adding the questions
After creating a new quiz, click the Add/Edit questions button (1)
Adding a random section
Create a new Random Section (1) for the questions
Give a name to the random section
Enter the section name (1) and click Save (2)
Open the random section
Click on the random section (here called Chapter 1) to populate it with questions. Note that random sections are a purple folder icon while regular sections are manilla folders. It must be purple.
Import your questions
Click the import button to begin importing your questions
Choose the questions
Select the source for your questions (1) and then click the select all check box (2) to import all of the possible questions. Click save at the bottom of the page.
Set the number of questions to be asked
Enter the number of questions you want the student to see (1) and how many points their are for each question (2). Click Save (3). Click Done Editing Questions button (right side of screen - not shown)
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